Once the shoe-boxes are filled, dedicated and mailed, its time to begin thinking about the Operation Christmas Child Shoe-boxes for Christmas for the next year.
We know that shopping can been a problem for some, so our committee is happy to do the shopping for you. If you would like us to shop for you, you can write a check, made out to Barcelona Road Baptist Church with either Operation Christmas Child or shoe-boxes on the memo line. If you would prefer to give cash, please put it in an envelope marked Operation Christmas Child or shoe-boxes. Cash or checks may be placed in any offering plate or brought to the church office.
If you would like to shop yourself, below is a list of what goes into each box. It is broken down by month to make it easier for you to shop.
January wash cloth-bar soap
(unscented, in zip lock bag-no liquids, please)
February clothing
(baseball caps, socks, t-shirts, underwear,hats/scarf, gloves)
March Toys
(slinky, stuffed animals, toy jewelry)
April toys
(stuffed animals, small dolls, etc)
May toys
(small cars, balls, baseballs, dolls, toys tht light up/make noise [extra batteries], flashlight with extra batteries)
June clothing
(socks, hats/scarf, hair ties/clips, gloves])
July Hygiene items
(toothbrush, comb, brush)
August school supplies
(pens, pencils, sharpeners, erasers, crayons, markers, chalk)
September school supplies
(writing pads or paper, solar calculators, small picture books)
October school supplies
(writing pads/paper, solar calculators, small picture books)
November Note and photo
(To include in some of the boxes)